There had always been an itch to write. Any itch has to be scratched occasionally and that explains the sporadic nature of my writing. Prior to the summer of 2004, the writing was confined to the pen & paper variety, and those sheets are gone: either in a landfill somewhere, or hopefully, have been recycled to serve mankind once again.
I then stumbled upon the phenomenon of blogging, and thus was born Mythalez's blog, hosted on Blogspot. While most of the posts are an unclassifiable mix of updates on life, observations, rants and other such, some are more structured and lend themselves to be typecast under categories. In both cases, the language is rife with the youthful texting slang and spelling shorthands of that age. Some of the more readable posts can be found under the "Labels" (left pane of the blog) such as writings, readings, experiences, verse?, and verse-lings.
The perceptive reader may notice that the last post on this blog was typed up in May 2020. Such a reader may naturally assume that the dreadful pandemic put an end to these inane writings. But that's not the reason. June 2020 saw the release of GPT-3 and the craft of writing had been changed irrevocably.
[no AI was harmed or used in the content or creation of this website]